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Mansoor Ansari

News and Articles

Houston payroll tax attorney

Houston payroll tax attorney 941 payroll tax: Payroll (941) Taxes (Not dischargeable in a bankruptcy) A lot of times the 941 payroll tax issue results from either not filing a required payroll tax form on time, or not filing it at all. If you have paid your payroll tax deposits,…
Mansoor Ansari
May 29, 2016
News and ArticlesTax News

Texas lease sales tax audit

Texas lease sales tax audit If you lease equipment for the purpose of renting it someone else in Dallas or Houston, you may need to charge a sales and use tax in Texas. However, if you are renting the equipment to someone, but you will operate the equipment, you do…
Mansoor Ansari
May 29, 2016
News and Articles

Triple Net Lease Contract Review Lawyer Houston

Triple Net Lease Contract Review Lawyer Houston How do we do a better job at reviewing contracts? We understanding business better than most other lawyers. Our tax back ground helps us in understanding tax implications ranging from out-of-state transactions, property leases, and employee benefits to say a few. Why would…
Mansoor Ansari
May 29, 2016
News and Articles

Small business tax lawyer Houston

Small Business Tax Lawyer Houston Why did Pfizer want to move out of the country? Tax-inversion to increase profits for companies. Why do you see cows on a random piece of land within your city limits? Lower property tax when it is "used" for farming purposes. Why did my client…
Mansoor Ansari
May 29, 2016
News and ArticlesTax News

Houston Texas Coin Operated Machine Tax

Houston Texas Coin Operated Machine Tax A tax is imposed on any person engaged in any business dealing with coin-operated amusement machines OR engaged in business to own or operate coin-operated amusement machines exclusively on premises occupied by and in connection with the business. Here is some good news. Section.…
Mansoor Ansari
May 29, 2016
News and ArticlesTax News

Texas Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Smuggling

Texas Cigarette and Tobacco Tax Smuggling Smuggling cigarettes into Texas has become a serious problem as taxes are increasing and business owners are looking for ways to maximize their products. However, this business plan is not one to implement. We have seen many business owners being audited by the Comptroller.…
Mansoor Ansari
May 29, 2016
News and Articles

Houston Texas cigarette tax audit

Houston Texas cigarette tax audit Smuggling cigarettes into Texas has become increasingly popular as the tax per pack of cigarettes keeps increasing in the state. For example, Texas is now the 8th highest state in terms of having cigarettes smuggled into its borders from neighboring states. It is estimated that…
Mansoor Ansari
May 29, 2016
News and Articles

Houston Sales Tax on Meals Audit

Houston Sales Tax on Meals Audit Meals taxes generally apply to purchases of prepared food that are consumed in a restaurant or similar establishment, or taken "to go" for later consumption. In contrast, sales of groceries (or "non-prepared food") are completely exempt from state sales tax in 30 states and…
Mansoor Ansari
May 27, 2016